Synchronous (blocking) interface

For simple access to a robot, one can use a synchronous (blocking) interface. This interface is robot object obtained by get_robot() method where argument coro is set to False (default). All members of this robot object are designed to wait (block) till the command is completed. For example play_note() plays a note and waits till the note is played. Next command is executed after the previous one finishes.

class ozobot.advanced.Bot(impl)

Ozobot main class

This class represents ozobot itself. Exactly one instance of this class matches to exactly one robot (an ozobot, in this case).

Class should be obtained by the get_robot() getter.


# Get default robot instance
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()

Robot LED lights control interface


Robot sound system control interface


Robot movement control interface


Robot navigation control interface for line following


Robot UUID (if available) or None

Robot LED lights

class ozobot.advanced.BotLightEffects(impl)

This class represents access to robot LED lights. Instance of this class allows the user to set various LED lights colors, switch them ON and OFF or regulate lights intensity.


This instance should not be created by the user, but should be obtained by get_robot(). Use the following code to get an instance of this object related to exact robot:

# Get interface of robot sound system
import ozobot
lights = ozobot.get_robot().light_effects

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant BotLightEffectsAsync

set_light_color(color, lights=Lights.ALL_ROBOT)

Set selected lights to a specific color according to enum.


# Set top and first front LED to RED color
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()
bot.light_effects.set_light_color(ozobot.SurfaceColor.RED, ozobot.Lights.FRONT_1 | ozobot.Lights.TOP)

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aset_light_color

set_light_color_rgb(red, green, blue, lights=Lights.ALL_ROBOT)

Set selected lights to a specific RGB color

Set selected lights according to a specific RGB color. Apply command over all lights when last argument is omitted.

  • red (float) – Amount of red light in range 0.0 - 1.0

  • green (float) – Amount of green light in range 0.0 - 1.0

  • blue (float) – Amount of blue light in range 0.0 - 1.0

  • lights (Lights - optional) – Which lights shall be affected


# Set first and second front LED to 20% of GREEN color
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()
bot.light_effects.set_light_color_rgb(0.0, 0.2, 0.0, ozobot.Lights.FRONT_1 | ozobot.Lights.FRONT_2)

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aset_light_color_rgb

Robot sound system

Basic sounds

class ozobot.advanced.BotSounds(impl)

This class represents access to the robot’s sound system interface. Instance of this class allows the user to play various types of sounds such as tones, notes or emotion sounds or numbers.


This instance should not be created by the user, but should be obtained by get_robot(). Use the following code to get an instance of this object related to exact robot:

# Get interface of robot sound system
import ozobot
sound = ozobot.get_robot().sound

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant BotSoundsAsync


Robot emotions sounds

play_tone(freq, duration)

Play a tone of a specific frequency for a certain time.

  • freq (int) – Frequency to be played

  • duration (float) – Duration in seconds


# Play 1kHz for 400 milliseconds
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()
bot.sounds.play_tone(1000, 0.4)

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aplay_tone

play_note(octave, note, duration)

Play a specific note of a specific octave for a certain time. Standard pitch notation is uded, i.e. A4 = 440 Hz.

  • octave (int) – Octave number in range -1 .. 10

  • note (ozobot.Note) – Note to be played

  • duration (float) – Duration in seconds


#Play note G2 for 400 milliseconds
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()
bot.sounds.play_note(2, ozobot.Note.G, 0.4)

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aplay_note

play_midi_note(midi_note_number, duration)

Play a specific note according to MIDI specification.

  • midi_note_number (int) – MIDI note number (see picture above)

  • duration (float) – Duration in seconds


# Play note A4 for 2 seconds
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aplay_midi_note


Pronounce the name of the color obtained as a color ID.


color (ozobot.SurfaceColor) – Color enumerator


# Say green
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant asay_color


Pronounce the name of the obtained direction.


direction (ozobot.Directions) – Directions enumerator


# Say forward and left
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()
bot.sounds.say_direction(ozobot.Directions.FORWARD | ozobot.Directions.LEFT)

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant asay_direction


Pronounce the number.


number (int) – Number to say (in range -199 to 199)


# Say answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant asay_number


Stop any audio that is being played.


# Stops currently playing sound
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant astop_audio

Emotions sounds

class ozobot.advanced.BotSoundsEmotions(impl)

This class represents access to the robot’s emotion sound interface. Instance of this class allows the user to play various emotion sounds such as happy, sad, surprised and so on.


This instance should not be created by the user, but it should be obtained by get_robot(). Use the following code to get an instance of this object related to exact robot:

# Get interface of the robot emotions sound system
import ozobot
emotions = ozobot.get_robot().sound.emotions

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant BotSoundsEmotionsAsync


Play a sound representing the robot’s happy emotion.


# Play happy sound
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aplay_happy


Play a sound representing the robot’s sad emotion.


# Play sad sound
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aplay_sad


Play a sound representing the robot’s surprised emotion.


# Play surprised sound
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aplay_surprised


Play a sound representing the robot’s laugh emotion.


# Play laugh sound
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aplay_laugh

Robot movement

class ozobot.advanced.BotMovement(impl)

This class represents access to robot movement system interface. Instance of this class allows the user to move or rotate the robot.


This instance should not be created by the user, but should be obtained by get_robot(). Use the following code to get instance of this object related to exact robot:

# Get interface of robot movement system
import ozobot
movement = ozobot.get_robot().movement

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant BotMovementAsync

move(distance, speed)

Move the robot by a certain distance at a certain speed.

  • distance (float) – Move distance in meters

  • speed (float) – Move speed in meters per second


# Move the robot 10 centimeters
# at speed 2 centimeters per second
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()
bot.movement.move(0.1, 0.02)

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant amove

rotate(angle, speed)

Rotate the robot by a certain angle at a certain angular speed.

  • angle (float) – Angle to rotate in radians

  • speed (float) – Angular speed in radians per second


# Rotate robot by 180 degrees at a speed of 90 degrees per second
import ozobot
from math import radians
bot = ozobot.get_robot()
bot.movement.rotate(radians(180), radians(90))

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant arotate

set_velocity(forward_speed, angular_speed)

Set velocity of the robot by setting forward speed and angular speed.

  • forward_speed (float) – Forward speed of the robot in meters per second

  • angular_speed (float) – Angular speed of the robot in radians per second


# Run robot in a circle
import ozobot
from math import radians
bot = ozobot.get_robot()
bot.movement.set_velocity(0.003, radians(5))

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aset_velocity


Stop robot’s movement immediately (break).


# Run robot in circles
import ozobot
bot = ozobot.get_robot()

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant astop_motors

Robot navigation system

class ozobot.advanced.BotNavigation(impl)

This class represents access to robot’s navigation system interface. Instance of this class allows the user to control how the robot navigates on lines.


This instance should not be created by the user, but should be obtained by get_robot(). Use the following code to get instance of this object related to exact robot:

# Get interface of robot navigation system
import ozobot
navigation = ozobot.get_robot().navigation

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant BotNavigationAsync

property intersection_watcher

Intersections detector provider interface. This provider allows to subscribe for receiving event whenever a new intersection is detected. Provided intersection information is a tuple containing the possible intersection directions, relative time when it was detected (since robot booted up) and a count of lost intersections. Intersection can be lost e.g. when we do not read provider events for a longer time as the event buffer has limited length. When provider buffer gets full, oldest pending intersections are dropped with each incoming new intersection and the lost counter is incremented.


Subscriber is activated inside with block only, otherwise it does not receive any data.

Return type



# Follow line segment and tell which intersection was detected
from ozobot      import get_robot
from ozobot.time import sleep_ms

bot = get_robot()

# Subscribe for intersection reading
with bot.navigation.intersection_watcher.consumer() as intersections_getter:
    # Follow line segment

    # We are at the end of line, so there shall be at least
    # one intersection
    for intersection in intersections_getter:
        print('Got {}'.format(intersection))
property color_code_watcher

Color codes detector provider interface. This provider allows to subscribe for receiving event whenever a new color code is detected. Provided color code information is a tuple containing the obtained color code, relative time when it was detected and a count of lost color codes. Color codes can be lost e.g. when we do not read provider events for longer time as event buffer has limited length. When provider buffer gets full, oldest pending color codes are dropped with each incoming new code and the lost counter is incremented.


Subscriber is activated inside with block only, otherwise it does not receive any data.

Return type



# Collect color codes when line following and
# print them on terminal
from ozobot      import get_robot
from ozobot.time import sleep_ms

bot = get_robot()

# Subscribe for color reading
with bot.navigation.color_code_watcher.consumer() as code_getter:
    # Follow line segment and try to collect some colors

    # Get detected color codes if there were some and print them
    for code in code_getter:
        print('Got {}'.format(code))
property position_watcher

Positions sampler interface. This provider allows you to subscribe for receiving every sampled position of robot. The robot is sampling its own position in some periodic sample time. This sample rate might be faster than our application. Therefore this getter is able to give us some amount of last sampled positions. It also gives us a count of lost samples in the case our application is too slow to read all of them in time.


Subscriber is activated inside with block only, otherwise it does not receive any data.

Return type



# Go over curve shape and show sampled positions during this movement
from ozobot      import get_robot
from ozobot.time import sleep_ms

bot = get_robot()

# Subscribe for positions sampling
with bot.navigation.position_watcher.consumer() as position_getter:
    bot.movement.set_velocity(0.03, 0.6)

    # Get sampled positions
    for position in position_getter:

Gets information about relative position of robot since it was powered on

Return type

tuple (float)


Relative position of robot in meters


# Go for a while, then turn back and return
from ozobot import get_robot, time, math

# Go for a while
bot = get_robot()
bot.movement.set_velocity(0.003, 0)

# Rotate back and return (position Y says how far we are now)
bot.movement.rotate(math.radians(180), math.radians(90))
pos = bot.navigation.position()
bot.movement.move(pos[1], 0.003)

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aposition


Gets last detected color code.

Return type

tuple (LineColor)


Last color code sequence


# Show color code sequence on LED

from ozobot import get_robot, LineColor, Lights, time

bot  = get_robot()

leds = (Lights.FRONT_5,

last = bot.navigation.last_color_code()
cnt  = len(last)

for i in range(len(leds)):
    if i < cnt:
        bot.light_effects.set_light_color(last[i], leds[i])
        bot.light_effects.set_light_color(LineColor.BLACK, leds[i])

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant alast_color_code


Gets last detected intersection type.




Return type


# Robot will follow line till next intersection
# (only when it is already located on line)

from ozobot import get_robot, Directions, SurfaceColor, Lights, time

bot = get_robot()

if Directions.ERROR != bot.navigation.navigate(Directions.ERROR, follow = False):
    # Show intersection type on LED
    last  = bot.navigation.last_intersection_type
    color = SurfaceColor.GREEN

    if Directions.LEFT in last:
        bot.light_effects.set_light_color(color, Lights.FRONT_1)
    if Directions.FORWARD in last:
        bot.light_effects.set_light_color(color, Lights.FRONT_3)
    if Directions.RIGHT in last:
        bot.light_effects.set_light_color(color, Lights.FRONT_5)
    if Directions.BACK in last:
        bot.light_effects.set_light_color(color, Lights.TOP)
    # Robot is not positioned on line
    raise RuntimeError('Robot is not positioned on line')

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant alast_intersection

Return type


navigate(directions=Directions.ANY, *, follow=True)

Navigate robot on the line

Robot will try to navigate according to detected line. This means that robot will try to rotate in selected direction and start line following procedure if requested. Function will return all possible directions of next navigation step.

Just keep in mind that robot is capable of navigating only when it is located on line, otherwise it returns ERROR


Regardless of the result of this operation, this command always stops any running robot movement.

  • directions (Directions) – Directions in which navigation shall begin. If there are more directions, the function selects one of the available ones randomly.

  • follow (bool) – When this parameter is set to True, the robot will start line following the segment just after turn. Otherwise robot only tries to turn in the chosen direction.

Return type



Returns all possible directions of the next navigation step.


# We assume that robot is located on line pointing nose straight
import ozobot

# Get robot and start navigation over the line
bot        = ozobot.get_robot()
directions = bot.navigation.navigate(Directions.FORWARD)

# Say what direstions are available the next

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant anavigate


Stop currently running navigation (line following) command

Stops currently running line navigation. If there are some active intersection watchers, they return ~ozobot.Directions.FORWARD and ~ozobot.Directions.BACK.

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant astop


Set the speed which is used by robot during line following.


speed (float) – Line following speed in meters per second


# Set twice faster speed of line following
from ozobot import get_robot

bot = get_robot()

bot.navigation.set_line_following_speed(bot.navigation.get_line_following_speed() * 2)

See also

There is also an asynchronous coroutines based variant aset_line_following_speed

Asynchronous (coroutine) interface

This interface provides the same functionality as Synchronous (blocking) interface, but provides so called Coroutines instead of standard blocking methods. These Coroutines are designed to be able to be used with asyncio module which provides an interface for Cooperative scheduling in Python.

class ozobot.advanced.BotAsync(impl)

Ozobot main class - coroutines variant

Coroutines variant of Bot


Please don’t construct this object directly as its implementation may differ across platforms. Rather use get_robot() getter function instead.


Robot LED lights control interface


Robot sound system control interface


Robot movement control interface


Robot navigation control interface for line following


Robot UUID (if available) or None

Robot LED lights (coroutines)

class ozobot.advanced.BotLightEffectsAsync(impl)

This class is the asynchronous variant of BotLightEffects


This instance should not be created by the user, but should be obtained by get_robot(). Use the following code to get an instance of this object related to exact robot:

# Get interface for robot light effects
import ozobot
lights = ozobot.get_robot(coro = True).light_effects
async aset_light_color(color, lights=Lights.ALL_ROBOT)

Coroutine variant of set_light_color().


# Show a kind of rainbow
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio, Lights, SurfaceColor

async def task(delay_ms):
    bot    = get_robot(coro = True)
    lights = ((Lights.FRONT_1, 0),
              (Lights.FRONT_2, 1),
              (Lights.FRONT_3, 2),
              (Lights.FRONT_4, 3),
              (Lights.FRONT_5, 4))
    colors = (ozobot.SurfaceColor.BLACK,
    cnt    = len(colors)

    for i in range(cnt * 4):
        for l in lights:
            await bot.light_effects.aset_light_color(colors[(l[1] + i) % cnt], l[0])

        await asyncio.sleep_ms(delay_ms)

    await bot.light_effects.aset_light_color(ozobot.SurfaceColor.BLACK)
async aset_light_color_rgb(red, green, blue, lights=Lights.ALL_ROBOT)

Coroutine variant of set_light_color_rgb().

  • red (float) – Amount of red light in range 0.0 - 1.0

  • green (float) – Amount of green light in range 0.0 - 1.0

  • blue (float) – Amount of blue light in range 0.0 - 1.0

  • lights (Lights - optional) – Which lights shall be affected


# Show a kind of rainbow
from ozobot  import get_robot, asyncio, Lights
from math import sin, pi

async def task(delay_ms):
    bot    = get_robot(coro = True)
    pi4    = pi / 4
    lights = ((Lights.FRONT_1, 0 * pi4),
              (Lights.FRONT_2, 1 * pi4),
              (Lights.FRONT_3, 2 * pi4),
              (Lights.FRONT_4, 3 * pi4),
              (Lights.FRONT_5, 4 * pi4))

    for i in range(8192):
        for l in lights:
            a = i / 256  + l[1]
            await bot.light_effects.aset_light_color_rgb(sin(a), sin(a + pi4), sin(a + pi4 * 2), l[0])

        await asyncio.sleep_ms(delay_ms)

    await bot.light_effects.aset_light_color(SurfaceColor.BLACK)

Robot sound system (coroutines)

Basic sounds (coroutines)

class ozobot.advanced.BotSoundsAsync(impl)

This class is the asynchronous variant of BotSounds

This instance should not be created by the user, but should be obtained by get_robot(). Use the following code to get instance of this object related to exact robot:

# Get interface for robot sound system
import ozobot
sound = ozobot.get_robot(coro = True).sound

Robot emotions sounds

async aplay_tone(freq, duration)

Coroutine variant of play_tone().

  • freq (int) – Frequency to be played

  • duration (float) – Duration in seconds


# Play sirene
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio

async def task(delay, cnt):
    sounds = get_robot(coro = True).sounds

    for i in range(cnt):
        for freq in range(50, 200):
            asyncio.create_task(sounds.aplay_tone(freq * 20, delay * 2))
            await asyncio.sleep(delay)

        for freq in reversed(range(50, 200)):
            asyncio.create_task(sounds.aplay_tone(freq * 20, delay * 2))
            await asyncio.sleep(delay)

    await sounds.astop_audio()

# Delay between changes 10ms repeated 4-times, 4))
async aplay_note(octave, note, duration)

Coroutine variant of play_note().

  • octave (int) – Octave number in range -1 .. 10

  • note (ozobot.Note) – Note to be played

  • duration (float) – Duration in seconds


# Play Forrest Gump theme
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio, Note

octave    = 4
speed     = 1.8
notes     = ((Note.E, 0, 1/8), (Note.F, 0, 1/8), (Note.G, 0, 1/8), (Note.G, 0, 1/4),
             (Note.E, 0, 1/4), (Note.G, 0, 1/4), (Note.C, 1, 1/8), (Note.G, 0, 1/4),
             (Note.E, 0, 1/4+1/8),

             (Note.F, 0, 1/8), (Note.G, 0, 1/8), (Note.A, 0, 1/8), (Note.A, 0, 1/4),
             (Note.F, 0, 1/4), (Note.A, 0, 1/4), (Note.F, 1, 1/8), (Note.E, 1, 1/8),
             (Note.D, 1, 1/8), (Note.C, 1, 1/8), (Note.A, 0, 1/8), (Note.F, 0, 1/8),

             (Note.F, 0, 1/8), (Note.G, 0, 1/8), (Note.A, 0, 1/8), (Note.A, 0, 1/4),
             (Note.F, 0, 1/4), (Note.A, 0, 1/4), (Note.D, 1, 1/8), (Note.B, 0, 1/4),
             (Note.G, 0, 1/4+1/8),

             (Note.E, 0, 1/8), (Note.F, 0, 1/8), (Note.G, 0, 1/8), (Note.G, 0, 1/4),
             (Note.C, 1, 1/8), (Note.G, 0, 1/4+1/2))

async def play_note(sounds, note, oct, delay):
    await sounds.aplay_note(oct + octave, note, delay * speed)

async def task(notes):
    sounds = get_robot(coro = True).sounds

    for note in notes:
        await play_note(sounds, *note)

# Play theme
async aplay_midi_note(midi_note_number, duration)

Coroutine variant of play_midi_note().

  • midi_note_number (int) –

    MIDI note number (see MIDI specification)

  • duration (float) – Duration in seconds


# Play Forrest Gump theme
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio

transpose = 65
speed     = 1.8
midi      = ((0, 1/8), (1, 1/8), (3, 1/8), (3, 1/4), (0, 1/4), (3, 1/4), (8,  1/8), (3,  1/4),
             (0,  1/4+1/8), (1, 1/8), (3, 1/8), (5, 1/8), (5, 1/4), (1, 1/4), (5, 1/4), (13, 1/8),
             (12, 1/8), (10, 1/8), (8, 1/8), (5, 1/8), (1, 1/8), (1, 1/8), (3, 1/8), (5, 1/8), (5, 1/4),
             (1, 1/4), (5, 1/4), (10, 1/8), (7,  1/4), (3,  1/4+1/8), (0, 1/8), (1, 1/8), (3, 1/8),
             (3, 1/4), (8, 1/8), (3, 1/4+1/2))

async def play_note(sounds, note, delay):
    await sounds.aplay_midi_note(note + transpose, delay * speed)

async def task(midi):
    sounds = get_robot(coro = True).sounds

    for tone in midi:
        await play_note(sounds, *tone)

# Play theme
async asay_number(number)

Coroutine variant of say_number().


number (int) – Number to say in range -199 to 199


# Count down
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio

async def task(cnt = 3, delay = 0.5):
    sounds = get_robot(coro = True).sounds

    for i in reversed(range(cnt + 1)):
        await asyncio.sleep(delay)
        await sounds.asay_number(i)
async asay_color(color)

Coroutine variant of say_color().


color (ozobot.SurfaceColor) – Color enumerator


# Say all supported colors
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio, SurfaceColor

async def task(delay = 0.2):
    sounds = get_robot(coro = True).sounds

    for color in dir(SurfaceColor):
        color = getattr(SurfaceColor, color)

        if isinstance(color, SurfaceColor) and not color == SurfaceColor.UNKNOWN:
            await sounds.asay_color(color)
            await asyncio.sleep(delay)
async asay_direction(direction)

Coroutine variant of say_direction().


direction (ozobot.Directions) – Directions enumerator


# Say all directions
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio, Directions

async def task(delay = 0.2):
    sounds = get_robot(coro = True).sounds

    for color in dir(Directions):
        color = getattr(Directions, color)

        if isinstance(color, SurfaceColor) and not color == SurfaceColor.UNKNOWN:
            await sounds.asay_color(color)
            await asyncio.sleep(delay)
async astop_audio()

Coroutine variant of stop_audio().


# Say all directions
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio, Directions

async def task(delay = 0.2):
    sounds = get_robot(coro = True).sounds

    for color in dir(Directions):
        color = getattr(Directions, color)

        if isinstance(color, SurfaceColor) and not color == SurfaceColor.UNKNOWN:
            await sounds.asay_color(color)
            await asyncio.sleep(delay)

Emotions sounds (coroutines)

class ozobot.advanced.BotSoundsEmotionsAsync(impl)

This class is the asynchronous variant of BotSoundsEmotions


This instance should not be created by the user, but should be obtained by get_robot(). Use the following code to get an instance of this object related to exact robot:

# Get interface for robot light effects
import ozobot
emotions = ozobot.get_robot(coro = True).sounds.emotions
async aplay_happy()

Coroutine variant of play_happy().


# Play 6 times laugh or happy sounds
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio, random

async def task():
    bot = get_robot(coro = True)

    for i in range(6):
        if 0 == random.randrange(2):
            await bot.sounds.emotions.aplay_laugh()
            await bot.sounds.emotions.aplay_happy()
async aplay_sad()

Coroutine variant of play_sad().


# Play 4 times sad or surprised sounds
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio, random

async def task():
    bot = get_robot(coro = True)

    for i in range(4):
        if 0 == random.randrange(2):
            await bot.sounds.emotions.aplay_sad()
            await bot.sounds.emotions.aplay_surprised()
async aplay_surprised()

Coroutine variant of play_surprised().


# Play 4 times sad or surprised sounds
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio, random

async def task():
    bot = get_robot(coro = True)

    for i in range(4):
        if 0 == random.randrange(2):
            await bot.sounds.emotions.aplay_sad()
            await bot.sounds.emotions.aplay_surprised()
async aplay_laugh()

Coroutine variant of play_laugh().


# Play 6 times laugh or happy sounds
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio, random

async def task():
    bot = get_robot(coro = True)

    for i in range(6):
        if 0 == random.randrange(2):
            await bot.sounds.emotions.aplay_laugh()
            await bot.sounds.emotions.aplay_happy()

Robot movement (coroutines)

class ozobot.advanced.BotMovementAsync(impl)

This class is the asynchronous variant of BotMovement


This instance should not be created by the user, but should be obtained by get_robot(). Use the following code to get instance of this object related to exact robot:

# Get interface of robot movement system
import ozobot
movement = ozobot.get_robot(coro = True).movement
async amove(distance, speed)

Coroutine variant of move().

  • distance (float) – Move distance in meters

  • speed (float) – Move speed in meters per second


# Square walk 10 x 10 centimeters
from ozobot  import get_robot, asyncio
from math import radians

async def task(distance, cnt):
    movement = get_robot(coro = True).movement
    angle    = radians(90)

    for i in range(cnt * 4):
        await movement.amove(distance, 0.02)
        await movement.arotate(angle,  angle)

# Delay between changes 1ms repeated 4-times, 4))
async arotate(angle, speed)

Coroutine variant of rotate().

  • angle (float) – Angle to rotate in radians

  • speed (float) – Angular speed in radians per second


# Square walk 10 x 10 centimeters
from ozobot  import get_robot, asyncio
from math import radians

async def task(distance, cnt):
    movement = get_robot(coro = True).movement
    angle    = radians(90)

    for i in range(cnt * 4):
        await movement.amove(distance, 0.02)
        await movement.arotate(angle,  angle)

# Delay between changes 1ms repeated 4-times, 4))
async aset_velocity(forward_speed, angular_speed)

Coroutine variant of set_velocity().

  • forward_speed (float) – Forward speed of robot in meters per second

  • angular_speed (float) – Angular speed of robot in radians per second


# Move arc
from ozobot  import get_robot, asyncio
from math import radians

async def task(distance, cnt):
    movement = get_robot(coro = True).movement
    await bot.movement.aset_velocity(0.003, radians(5))
    await asyncio.sleep(4)
    await bot.movement.astop_motors(0.003, radians(5))

# Delay between changes 1ms repeated 4-times, 4))
async astop_motors()

Coroutine variant of stop_motors().


# Move arc
from ozobot  import get_robot, asyncio
from math import radians

async def task(distance, cnt):
    movement = get_robot(coro = True).movement
    await bot.movement.aset_velocity(0.003, radians(5))
    await asyncio.sleep(4)
    await bot.movement.astop_motors(0.003, radians(5))

# Delay between changes 1ms repeated 4-times, 4))

Robot navigation system (coroutines)

class ozobot.advanced.BotNavigationAsync(impl)

This class is the asynchronous variant of BotNavigation


This instance should not be created by the user, but should be obtained by get_robot(). Use the following code to get instance of this object related to exact robot:

# Get interface of robot navigation system
import ozobot
navigation = ozobot.get_robot(coro = True).navigation
property intersection_watcher

‘Intersections detector provider interface. This attribute is just an alias for intersection_watcher.

Return type


property color_code_watcher

Color codes detector provider interface. This attribute is just an alias for color_code_watcher.

Return type


property position_watcher

Positions sampler interface. This attribute is just an alias for position_watcher.

Return type


async aposition()

Coroutine variant of position().

Return type

tuple (float)


Relative position of robot in meters


# Go for a while, then turn back and return
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio, math

bot = get_robot(coro = True)

async def task(bot):
    await bot.movement.aset_velocity(0.003, 0)
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

    # Rotate back and return (position Y says how far we are now)
    await bot.movement.arotate(math.radians(180), math.radians(90))
    pos = await bot.navigation.aposition()
    await bot.movement.amove(pos[1], 0.003)
async alast_color_code()

Coroutine variant of last_color_code().

Return type

tuple (LineColor)


Last color code sequence


# Show color code sequence on LED

from ozobot import get_robot, LineColor, Lights, time, asyncio

bot  = get_robot(coro = True)

async def task(bot):
    leds = (Lights.FRONT_5,

    last = await bot.navigation.alast_color_code()
    cnt  = len(last)

    for i in range(len(leds)):
        if i < cnt:
            bot.light_effects.aset_light_color(last[i], leds[i])
            bot.light_effects.aset_light_color(LineColor.BLACK, leds[i])
async alast_intersection()

Coroutine variant of last_intersection().


Last detected intersection type.

Return type



# Robot will follow line till next intersection
# (only when it is already located on line)

from ozobot import get_robot, Directions, SurfaceColor, Lights, time, asyncio

bot = get_robot(coro = True)

async def task(bot):
    if await bot.navigation.aline_found():
        await bot.navigation.afollow_line_segment()

        # Show intersection type on LED
        last  = await bot.navigation.alast_intersection_type()
        color = SurfaceColor.GREEN

        if Directions.LEFT in last:
            bot.light_effects.set_light_color(color, Lights.FRONT_1)
        if Directions.FORWARD in last:
            bot.light_effects.set_light_color(color, Lights.FRONT_3)
        if Directions.RIGHT in last:
            bot.light_effects.set_light_color(color, Lights.FRONT_5)
        if Directions.BACK in last:
            bot.light_effects.set_light_color(color, Lights.TOP)
        # Robot is not positioned on line
        raise RuntimeError('Robot is not positioned on line')
async anavigate(directions=Directions.ANY, *, follow=True)

Coroutine variant of navigate().

  • directions (Directions) – Directions in which navigation shall begin. If there are more directions, the function selects one of the available ones randomly.

  • follow (bool) – When this parameter is set to True, the robot will start line following the segment just after turn. Otherwise, the robot only tries to turn in the chosen direction.

Return type



Returns all possible directions of the next navigation step.


# We assume that robot is located on line pointing nose straight
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio

bot = get_robot(coro = True)

async def navigate_line():
    await bot.navigation.anavigate(Directions.FORWARD)
async astop()

Coroutine variant of stop().

async aset_line_following_speed(speed)

Coroutine variant of set_line_following_speed().


speed (float) – Line following speed in meters per second


# Set twice faster speed of line following
from ozobot import get_robot, asyncio

bot = get_robot(coro = True)

async twice(bot):
    await bot.navigation.aset_line_following_speed(await bot.navigation.aget_line_following_speed() * 2)